Cinnamon Bun Waffles

Mar 28th

Spring break is over and Easter was yesterday. Now, no offense to mine and Michaels family, but I love celebrating holidays in Miami. Mainly because we can decide if we actually want to celebrate a holiday or not, and if so, how. We don’t have to take anyone else into consideration. That was most definitely not the case in Tucson.

The first year we were married we had to go to three Thanksgiving festivities. And at two of them we were told we were apparently very happy with our new married lives as we had both gotten fat. Why thank you, grandmas, we were happy. And fat. And it is always lovely to have it pointed out. Our first Thanksgiving here we went to Disneyworld for the long weekend. The big meal that day was the buffet in the German restaurant in Epcot.


That is some fine dancing to the Oompah Band. After that some friends came and joined us and the rest of the weekend was spent going on rides and eating junk food.

averieatingdisney averimouseshadow averifrienddisney

Easters in Tucson were easier, cause you know, I’m Jewish. 🙂 So only one family to consider. Michaels mom always does a huge Easter celebration. Lots of food, egg hunt (with Grammy making sure Averi found the golden egg that has the $5 bill in it), and then huge Easter baskets, plus prizes for finding eggs. There was always lots of people there too, including one family member who one year thought it would be funny to hide an egg at the bottom of the pool and then pushed a young preteen girl (who was a guest and he barely knew) into the pool when she was trying to fish the egg out with a net. She most definitely did not find it funny. And neither did I. So its a good thing we moved away because I admit that every year since it took great restraint for me not to push him into the pool. And I only have so much restraint. Enough Easter celebrations and he would end up in the pool at some point. And while I would fully enjoy doing it, it probably wouldn’t be my smartest move.

So yesterday we had a family free celebration. We journeyed half a mile up the beach to a friends condo. She is in Bal Harbour so her place is obviously fancier than ours, and has an actual beach attendant who sets up lounge chairs and umbrellas for you. She had prewarned him that we would have a group so he had an area ready for us. Four other families joined us, and we spent a great six hours on the beach drinking, watching the kids play and setting up an egg hunt for them in the grassy area between the walking paths.

averiegghunt egghunting

We also ate. A lot. Kept it simple but delicious. I made this pasta salad and these cool whip cookies to share. And with all the snacking we did, dinner wasn’t needed. But I did make a real breakfast before we headed out. Waffles! As you may remember from when I posted about delicious cake waffles, I have a waffle iron. Which I like to use to make things other than traditional waffles. This time I made Cinnamon Bun Waffles. They couldn’t be easier. You just open a tube of cinnamon buns, stick them in the iron, wait for the light to say they are ready, ice them up, and then enjoy. Perfect way to start a Sunday.

cinnamonbuntube cinnamonbunwaffles2

Hope you had a great Easter, with family and/or friends! But if it wasn’t great and someone ended up in a pool, I want to hear about it!


Cinnamon Bun Waffles


1 tube cinnamon buns, with icing


Prepare your waffle iron for cooking. Open Cinnamon Bun tube and separate the buns. Place one bun in each waffle section. Cook according to your iron directions.

Remove cooked waffles, ice and enjoy!